Sunday, 9 March 2014

Reading images and products

toolkit to answering question 3:

key concepts - culture, communication, identity, value, representation, code, power, context

communications model - sender > message > receiver 
(message is different depending on the sender and receiver
for example: Beethoven's Ode to Joy is used by communists and fascists

things that affect the receiver - age (adverts that are for kids/adults)
                                                  - social class
                                                  - gender (toys r u aisles pink & blue)
                                                  - culture/ ethnicity 
Angela Barry tells of 3 representations of non-white: 
1 dependant (needs help-charity adverts)
2 entertainer (Beyonce, Usain Bolt have to have an identifier cant just be talented)
3 troublemaker (stereotype -MTV, ill manors)

representation- how is the world portrayedin texts through words and pictures
stereotypes - a version of representation usually negative
genre - type of text
conventions - rules about the ways these types of text are organised
mode of address - how the text talks to us

process approach looks at what the sender meant and any problems which prevent this 'meaning' being transmitted  BARRIERS 

semiotic approach looks at signs and codes which are used to get the message across 

purpose of adverts are to sell commodities and the ideology behind it. 

the product says something about us:
semiotic - paradigm, anchorage, denotation, myth, ideology, icon/symbol, sign/code, motivated/arbitrary, signifier, syntagm

process - sender,message, receiver, barrier, register, intention, effect, feedback, semantic/psychological/physical

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