Attitudes concerning the representation of gender, ethnicity and sexual preference have
certainly changed in the last 50 years. These changes are evident in the contrasts
between cultural products created in the past and cultural products created today.
There are, however, many different analyses of these changes. The two arguments set
out opposite indicate contrasting interpretations of such changes.
Use your knowledge of selected theoretical perspectives and key concepts to evaluate
the contrasting views expressed by Argument A and Argument B.
Your response should refer to a range of cultural products and practices, but you may
choose whether to focus on any one, two or all three of the following: gender, ethnicity,
sexual preference. (40 marks)
intro - side with argument b, include opinion on the fact that only this month Ireland voted to have same sex marriage where other countries still prosecute homosexuals.
1 - post colonialism; edward said "the other", outcasts in society are poked fun at, not politically correct to "black up" anymore so arguement A has some ground. but strong racism occurs - Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott all shot unarmed in America and Black Lives Matter campaign group was formed in 2012. obviously B argues the lack of equality.
2 - feminism; laura mulvey "male gaze" there always has to be someone in a position of power to create inequality, here its the media and the victim, a woman's body or mind.
3 - market liberalism& post modernism; Bauman "without repetitive frustration of desire, consumer demands would dry up and the economy would fall"
the cultural practises and products of previous years were seen as keeping the proletariat happy and distracted whereas now the shift means people want more ethical and politically correct adverts or coffee
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