Sunday, 9 March 2014

semiotic and process analysis of images (homework)

2 - 

the sender is Nikon and Ashton Kutcher 
the receiver is us as he is looking and pointing the camera at us.

the message is telling us there is a camera for everyone but what else can it tell us?

the semiotics are harder to see:

- by having a man hold the same camera that is captioned "power" does it somehow imply by having that particular camera men will be seen as more powerful?

- the cameras all have a caption that tell us what they do but does it also tell us who unconsciously would buy each product because of the social label attached to it.  

e.g. the creativity camera would appeal to the aspirers as it implies your pictures would be higher status as they have more effects etc 

- the camera labeled joy seems to be held by a woman so does that imply is it a camera for more feminine photos because it is smaller and delicate. Stereotype?

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